
The Archives and Special Collections Web Blog is a publication of Archives and Special Collections at the University of Connecticut.  The purpose of the Archives and Special Collections Web Blog is to publish short news pieces about activities and events taking place in Archives and Special Collections including collections acquisitions, student and scholar perspectives on the research process, activities of staff and student employees, and public programming sponsored by Archives and Special Collections and the UConn Library.    

As an entity of the University of Connecticut, the Archives and Special Collections Web Blog is subject to the following University Disclaimers, Privacy & Copyright  [excerpt below]

UConn’s website comprises websites and webpages of the University’s departments, offices, and other units, as well as those of individual UConn faculty, staff, and students. The views and opinions expressed by individual faculty, staff, and students on these personal webpages are strictly those of the page authors. The contents of these personal pages have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut.

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–  Managing Editor: Melissa Watterworth Batt, Archivist