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About Jean Nelson

Jean Cardinale Nelson is the head of the UConn Libraries' Public Programming, Marketing & Communications efforts.

Storrs Agricultural School Established

An Act establishing Storrs Agricultural School, 1881

Following the offer of land and funds from the Storrs brothers, the General Assembly officially established the state agricultural school in Storrs, Connecticut on April 6, 1881.  The following fall, the buildings were prepared and 12 boys enrolled for classes.  The inaugural class included: Frederick B. Brown (Gilead), Frank D. Case (Barkhamste), Charles H. Elkins (Brooklyn, NY), Charles S. Foster (Bristol), John M. Gelston (East Haddam), Samuel B. Harvey (Mansfield), Henry R. Hoisington (Coventry), Burke Hough (Weatogue), Arthur S. Hubbard (Glastonbury), Andrew K. Thompson (West Cornwall) and F. M. Winton (Bristol).  The formal public opening of the school was October 7, 1881. 

An Act Establishing Storrs Agricultural School (p.2), 1881

Poetry Broadsides Featured in Exhibition

'The Dancer', 1951, poem by Joel Oppenheimer, drawing by Robert Rauschenberg, printed at Black Mountain College by Oppenheimer and Jonathan Williams, Jargon 2.

Found among the literary broadside collection in Archives and Special Collections are works that represent unique, unusual and innovative collaborations between poets and artists.  Poetry broadsides produced between the 1950s and early 1970s offer some of the most diverse examples of poem and picture combinations.  Visual artists, printmakers, typesetters, and graphic artists emerging from American schools and cities experimented with forms and techniques influenced by their association with other artists, writers, and performers.

Black Mountain College in the 1950s is often described by those that attended and taught there as a laboratory for artistic collaboration.  The print shop at the small college in the foothills of North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains was a space where experimentation and collaboration were encouraged, producing small-run editions of poetry and poetry broadsides alongside the works of print-makers and visual artists.  Joel Oppenheimer partnered with the painter Robert Rauschenberg, both students at the time, and the poet and emerging small-press publisher Jonathan Williams, to create ‘The Dancer’.

Join us in celebration of the exhibition ‘Poem and Picture’ at the Benton Museum at the University of Connecticut featuring ‘The Dancer’ (“The Dancer”, 1951, poem by Joel Oppenheimer, drawing by Robert Rauschenberg, printed at Black Mountain College by Oppenheimer and Jonathan Williams, Jargon 2), and National Poetry Month.

Dodd Center Collections in New Exhibition at the Benton Museum of Art

Olga Rozanova and Kasimir Malevich, Ingra v adu (A Game in Hell).
lithograph, 1914. Alumni Annual Giving Program, 1982.

The exhibition, “Poem & Picture,” at the William Benton Museum of Art at the University of Connecticut is holding an opening reception on April 1, 2010 from 5 to 7:00pm.  The exhibition is curated by Eve Perry, Assistant Curator at the William Benton Museum, and features collaborative works between 20th century poets and artists found in rare editions, little magazines, broadsides, and artists books, the bulk of which are from the Dodd Research Center collections.  The event marks one of the largest loans of materials ever arranged between the Benton and the Dodd Research Center. 

Poem & Picture features the collaborative visions of twentieth-century artists and poets, works that combine the disciplines of art and poetry in a way that each is complimented and enhanced by the other. They are poems and pictures intended to be experienced together, whether they are bound side-by-side in a limited edition book or as image and script integrated into a single work. Included in the exhibition are pages from the Russian literary avant-garde book Igra v adu (A Game in Hell) (1914) by Olga Rozanova and Kazimir Malevich. Selections from 21 Etchings and Poems (1960) present collaborations by Willem De Kooning and Harold Rosenberg, Peter Grippe and Dylan Thomas, and Franz Klein and Frank O’Hara. The Ariel Poems (1927-1954), a collection of limited edition illustrated poems, is represented by T.S. Eliot and E. McKnight Kauffer, and D.H. Lawrence and Althea Willoughby, among others.

Save the date for a new statewide book festival

The Dodd Center, CT Center for the Book, CT State Library, CT Library Association, CT Commission on Culture and Tourism, UConn Coop, and CT Humanities Council have formed a coaltion to plan the first statewide book festival to take place at the Greater Hartford UConn Campus on May 21-22, 2011.  The goal of the festival is to bring together writers and readers with a target age of young adults and older.  Connecticut author Wally Lamb, pictured below, has agreed to serve as honorary chair and approximately 25 Connecticut authors will be featured.  There will be readings and signings, presentations and events for children.  All programs will be free and open to the public.  For more information contact Terri J. Goldich at 860.486.3646 or send an email to ctbookfestival@gmail.com

Connecticut History Online selected American Libraries Association Digital Library of the Week!

The American Libraries Association (ALA) chose Connecticut History Online as the Digital Library of the Week, for the week of February 25th.  Following is the press release from ALA:

Connecticut History Online is a digital collection of over 15,000 digital primary sources, together with associated interpretive and educational material. Now in its 10th year, CHO is embarking on a collaboration with the Encyclopedia of Connecticut History Online to serve the needs of scholars, teachers and students, genealogists, and the general public. This new initiative builds upon a very successful collaboration of libraries and museums carried out in two IMLS National Leadership grant-funded phases (1999–2007) that focused on digital capture of historical artifacts, including photographs, maps, broadsides, oral histories, manuscripts, and oral histories. These document events, people, and places that are part of the fabric of Connecticut and American social, business, political, educational, cultural, and civic life. The four current CHO partners (the Connecticut Historical Society, Connecticut State Library, Mystic Seaport, and the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center) represent three major communities that preserve and make accessible historical collections within the state of Connecticut. Their combined assets include book and periodical volumes, manuscript materials, photographs and graphics, oral histories, maps, artifacts, and broadsides.

Check out Connecticut History Online today!

New Search Tool for Special Collections

The rich resources of the Archives & Special Collections, which encompass holdings as diverse as human rights, the alternative press, 20th century American poets and authors, and Connecticut’s history, are now easier than ever to discover online.

Our new online tool enables users to search, either by key word or subject, the inventories and detailed descriptions of over 600 collections housed here in the Center.

For example, a search of the word “ecology,” returns the papers of the Connecticut Citizens Action Group, the first state-based consumer interest group created in 1971 by Ralph Nader, the poem, “The Ecology of the Soul,” by Joel Oppenheimer, a poet affiliated with the experimental Black Mountain College, as well and the papers of Walter Landauer, a professor in animal genetics at UConn’s Experiment Station, best known for his research on chickens.

Delivering Chickens

The inventories reveal the strength and variety of our holdings which extend to railroad history, Connecticut business, labor and industry, ethnic heritage, immigration, politics, and social movements throughout the world.

Try out the new tool by visiting: http://doddcenter.uconn.edu

Human Rights Film Series Presents Michael Moore’s “SiCKO”

Please join the Human Rights Institute and the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center for the March film for the 2009-2010 Human Rights Film Series: Human Rights in the USA.

Film: “SiCKO” (2007)
Directed by Michael Moore

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
4:00 pm, Konover Auditorium
Thomas J. Dodd Research Center

The words “health care” and “comedy” aren’t usually found in the same sentence, but in Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore’s film ‘SiCKO,’ they go together hand in (rubber) glove. While Moore’s ‘SiCKO’ follows the trailblazing path of previous hit films, the Oscar-winning BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE and all-time box-office documentary champ FAHRENHEIT 9/11, it is also something very different for Michael Moore. ‘SiCKO’ is a straight-from-the-heart portrait of the crazy and sometimes cruel U.S. health care system, told from the vantage of everyday people faced with extraordinary and bizarre challenges in their quest for basic health coverage. Watch the film trailer at http://sickothemovie.com/dvd/trailer.html

For more information on the full film series, including upcoming films, a downloadable poster is available on our website at http://doddcenter.uconn.edu/events/hr_usa_film_series.htm

Collection now available: Political papers of 1960s DNC Chairman, John M. Bailey

Bailey looked and often acted like the traditional ward politician. Tall and rumpled with an ever-present cigar in his mouth, his glasses pushed up on his forehead and speaking in a hoarse confidential tone, he was at home in the smoke-filled rooms of convention hotels. He was an artist at balancing a ticket to conform to Connecticut’s ethnic composition. He worked hard at disguising the facts that he was the son of a well-to-do-physician, had been educated at Catholic University and Harvard Law School, and maintained a lucrative Hartford law practice. Yet in reality he was a new-style boss who combined mastery of parochial political detail with astute knowledge of the legislative process and enough national vision to become one of the members of President Kennedy’s inner circle of advisors.” (CT Heritage Gateway, entry by Herbert F. Janick, http://www.ctheritage.org/encyclopedia/ctsince1929/bailey.htm

The collection of the Democratic giant from Connecticut , John M. Bailey, is now available at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. Bailey worked for John F. Kennedy’s successful presidential campaign in 1960, and then went on to serve as chairman of the National Democratic Party from 1961-1968. The collection includes boxes of correspondence from the 1960s including letters with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, speeches at numerous conferences nationwide, as well as photographs, press releases, and travel schedules.

For more information please see:

Children’s Literature Blast From The Past

In 1999, Curator Terri Goldich joined Mrs. Billie M. Levy’s program “Children’s Books: Their Creators and Collectors”.  The show, which began in 1993 on West Hartford Community Television, hosted hundreds of well know authors, illustrators and collectors over the years.  Billie Levy, a retired librarian, children’s book collector and host of the popular show, is well-known to the Dodd Research Center.  Her donation of over 10,000 children’s books is the backbone of the Northeast Children’s Literature Collection (NCLC).  And on a personal note, her southern hospitality brightens up any room she joins. 

In this video from the archives, courtesy of the University Libraries’ new video streaming service, you can hear from our own NCLC Curator, Terri Goldich, just shortly after the new facilities of the Dodd Research Center were dedicated in a plea to authors and illustrators to “Save That Draft”.   mms://video.lib.uconn.edu/Levy49

Happy Birthday to Ted and George…

Two men from UConn’s early history share March 2 as their birthday.  So we offer up best wishes to the memory of Theodore Sedgwick Gold, an unsung founder of the Storrs Agricultural School, and George W. Flint, second president of the school when it became Connecticut Agricultural College.

Theodore S. Gold

Theodore S. Gold

Gold, one of the first trustees of the school when it was established in 1881, was born on March 2, 1818 in Cornwall, Connecticut.  In 1845, he joined his father, Dr. Samuel Gold, in founding an agricultural school for boys, the Cream Hill School, in West Cornwall. Even before the school closed in 1869, Theodore was a champion for establishing a state agricultural school for boys, and, in his 50th anniversary history of Connecticut Agricultural College in 1931, Walter Stemmons wrote that “Gold was in a position, at least after 1866, to impress his educational ideas upon the Storrs brothers. The striking similarity in form and substance between the Cream Hill School and the Storrs Agricultural School is evidence which cannot be ignored.” As a member of the state school’s initial Board of Trustees, Gold headed a subcommittee charged with the new school’s organization. For many years he was secretary of the board, and in 1900, he wrote the first history of the college. A copy of that history is part of the Gold family papers in the University’s archives.

George W. Flint

George W. Flint

George Flint’s tenure with the college was much briefer than Gold’s, and a good deal more controversial. During his first year as president, Flint saw what had been Storrs Agricultural College since 1893, become Connecticut Agricultural College in 1899. But by then, he was at the center of a dispute that became known as the “War of the Rebellion.” Flint’s interest in classical education over agricultural, and his efforts to incorporate them into the curriculum of CAC brought him into direct conflict with members of the faculty. 

 The “war” was played out, in part, through letters-to-the-editor columns of newspapers in Connecticut New York, and Boston. Long-time faculty resigned, and, at the request of trustees, Flint resigned in 1901.

Spanish Women’s Magazines Digital Collection Available Online

An incredible collection of Spanish periodicals and newspapers from the Archives are now available online at http://doddcenter.uconn.edu/collections/spanwomen.htm

In the early 1970s, the Archives acquired this rich collection from the famous bibliophile, Juan Perez de Guzman y Boza, the Duque de T’ Serclaes, which reflects the complex history of Spain through its periodical and newspapers during most of the 19th century.  Of great interest and research value is the wide selection of women magazines written by men to appeal to a female elite audience. The range of materials you can find in these literary and general interest magazines is limitless.  Full of things such as short historical stories, poems, good advice for both men and women about the proper behavior of ladies at any age, beautiful colored and engraved images with the latest news of Paris fashion, music sheets of polkas and other music specifically composed for the magazines, and patterns for needlework to name only a few. These magazines are an amazing window to understand the social dimensions of women in 19th century Spain.

Because of their significance to international researchers unable to travel to the University, the Dodd Research Center has been digitizing many of the titles in the collection.  Nine titles, including Correo de las damas o poliantea instructiva, curiosa y agradable de literatura, and ciencias y artes published in Cadiz, Spain have been digitized with 12 or more titles to  be completed by the end of May, 2010. We welcome you to enjoy this unique and colorful collection.

For more information, contact Marisol Ramos
(860) 486-2734

C.A.C. President Resigns

Rufus W. Stimson, C.A.C. President Rufus Whitaker Stimson, hired in 1897 as professor of English and Literature, was appointed acting president of Connecticut Agricultural College on 5 October 1901.  Stimson, a graduate of Harvard University and the Yale Divinity School, was appointed president just over a year later.  Stimson utilized his noted eloquence to publicize the activities and programs of the young agricultural school as well as advocating an expansion of the courses offered and increasing enrollment.  Details of the accomplishments of Stimson’s tenure are available in Walter Stemmons’ Connecticut Agricultural College–A History, available in the University Archives.  “On February 20, 1908, Rufus Whitaker Stimson presented to the Board of Trustees his resignation as president, the resignation to take effect at the close of the college year.  President Stimson had been connected with the college for eleven years, four as professor and seven as acting president and president.” (Stemmons, p. 130-131)