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About Jean Nelson

Jean Cardinale Nelson is the head of the UConn Libraries' Public Programming, Marketing & Communications efforts.

CT Human Rights Oral History Project at the Dodd Center

During June-August 2010, Valerie Love, the Curator for Human Rights Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center will be undertaking a project to conduct oral histories with human rights activists in the state of Connecticut.  If you might be interested in participating in the project, or have suggestions for people to interview, please contact Valerie at valerie.love@uconn.edu for more information. 

A slide from the Impact Visuals Photography Collection, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut.

The Thomas J. Dodd Research Center currently holds a variety of oral history collections, including:

Members of the African National Congress in South Africa, 1999-2006. 

Colt Strike of 1934, 1981

Connecticut Communist Party, 1986-1987

Connecticut Workers And A Half Century Of Technological Change, 1930-1980, 1981-1982

The Greater Hartford Process (Coventry Experience), 1972-1975

Holocaust Survivors In The Connecticut Region, 1980-1981

Manchester-Cheney Oral History Project, 1971-1991

Millworkers of Willimantic, 1979-1980

Peoples of Connecticut, 1973-1976

The Political Activities Of The First Generation Of Fully Enfranchised Connecticut Women, 1920-1945, 1980-1982

Voices From The Second World War: An Oral History, 1999-2000

Witnesses To Nuremberg, An Oral History Of American Participants At The War Crimes Trials, ca. 1997

A Woman’s Place, Hartford College For Women, 1983

Women In The Connecticut Legislature: Past And Present, 1996-1997

We Remember Homer

Homer D. Babbidge and students in front of the Student Union, 1967

Homer D. Babbidge and students in front of the Student Union, 1967

Homer Daniels Babbidge, Jr. was born today in 1925, in West Newton, MA.  Educated at Yale University, Dr. Babbidge became the eighth President of the University of Connecticut on October 20, 1962 at the age of 37.  A charismatic, respected and much beloved member of the University community, Babbidge resigned from the University in the summer of 1972 after ten years of service.  Several years after Dr. Babbidge left the University the new library, which replaced the Wilbur Cross Library in 1978, was named after him.  Today, Homer Babbidge would have been 85 years old.  Unfortunately, he died on March 24, 1984, but his legacy and name live on at the University.

Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act Signed Into Law

Today we are pleased to report that President Obama signed into law the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act.  The Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act is named in honor of former Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Pakistan, just four months after the September 11th attacks.  For those who follow our blog and our events, know that this past October we were honored to award the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) with the Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights.  The program allowed the University to learn more about the struggle for press freedom and about the work CPJ does to defend the rights of journalists around the world.   It also provided us with the opportunity to meet Mariane Pearl, wife of the late Daniel Pearl. 

President Obama and members of Daniel Pearl's family in the Oval Office. Photo by Luke Sharrett/The New York Times

 “Daniel Pearl’s tragic death shocked the world and, at the same time, opened our eyes to the abuse and harassment that many journalists face across the globe.  With this bill, we pay tribute to Daniel’s life and his work by shining a spotlight on this sort of all-too-frequent repression,” said Senator Chris Dodd, a champion of the bill.  Senator Dodd also introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

According to the press release from Senator Dodd’s office, this legislation calls upon the Secretary of State to greatly expand its examination of the status of freedom of the press worldwide in the State Department’s Annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.  Specifically, the legislation requires the State Department to identify countries in which there were violations of press freedom; determine whether the government authorities of those countries participate in, facilitate, or condone the violations; and report the actions such governments have taken to preserve the safety and independence of the media and ensure the prosecution of individuals who attack or murder journalists.  The text of the legislation can be found here

President Obama was joined by Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Congressmen Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Mike Pence (R-IN), co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus for Freedom of the Press, as well as members of Daniel Pearl’s family.

UConn’s first Scholars Day, May 11, 1957

The first University Scholars, recognized in 1952, with President Albert Jorgensen and Provost Albert Waugh.

The University of Connecticut began honoring its highest achieving students with the University Scholars program in 1951, and six years later, it started a tradition of recognizing all academic achievements.

The first Scholars Day was held May 11, 1957 as part of the University’s 75th anniversary year celebrations. Nearly 600 students with high scholastic standing were honored in the afternoon program at the University Auditorium (it would be a few more years before it would become known as Jorgensen Auditorium).

The honorees included ten University Scholars and 579 students who had received general University honors, were members of honors societies, or who had distinguished themselves in a special field of study.  The guest speaker that day was Edward D. Eddy, Jr., provost and vice president of the University of New Hampshire, who later was president of the University of Rhode Island. His topic: “On Being Gloriously Content.” He concluded that college students were not challenged enough, and that they should seize opportunities for learning outside of the classroom to complete their education.

Wendell Minor to be awarded honorary degree

Wendell Minor, an award-winning illustrator of books and book jackets, will receive an honorary Doctorate degree from the University of Connecticut at the May 9th, 2010 commencement ceremony. On May 20 th the Dodd Research Center will host a Luncheon Reception in the Dodd Center’s Public Lounge from 12:00-1:30 pm, followed by a presentation by Dr. Norman D. Stevens in Konover Auditorium from 1:30-2:00 pm, with a book signing by Mr. Minor in the Public Foyer from 2:00-2:30pm. The Public is invited to all of these events. Please RSVP by Friday, May 14, 2010, to Jean Nelson at jean.nelson@uconn.edu or 860.486.6346.  

A native of Illinois and current resident of Washington, CT, Mr. Minor studied art at the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. He has designed the covers of over 2000 works and has illustrated 50 children’s books. Mr. Minor served as President of the Society of Illustrators in New York City in addition to currently serving on the Children’s Book Council. The exhibit pictured here is installed in the John McDonald Reading Room of the Dodd Research Center and is available for viewing Monday-Friday 10am-4pm until the end of May. On display are 22 original works of art for various books and book covers and a selection of his published works. Mr. Minor is generously donating the original art for his newest book, Jean Craighead George’s The Buffalo are back, to the Northeast Children’s Literature Collection.

Minor exhibit in McDonald Reading Room

Remembering Kent State: May 4, 1970

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the massacre at Kent State University, where Ohio National Guardsmen sprayed tear gas and then opened fire on students protesting the escalation of the Vietnam war into Cambodia.  Four students were killed, and eleven others wounded.    John Filo, a Kent photojournalism student, took an iconic photograph of a 14-year-old runaway, Mary Ann Vecchio, kneeling beside the body of 20 year old Jeffrey Miller.  The photo appeared in the New York Times, as well as various other media outlets, and earned a Pulitzer Prize for Filo in 1971. 

Georgia Straight, an anti-establishment alternative newspaper from Vancouver, Canada, published a front page story on the Kent State Massacre. Newspaper from the Alternative Press Collection, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.

Following the massacre at Kent State, the faculty wrote a resolution condemning the use of violence on their campus.  Kent State University closed for the remainder of the semester.

Resolution passed by faculty at Kent State University, May 5, 1970. From the Alternative Press Collection, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.

Hundreds of thousands of university students across the country protested the use of violence by the National Guard, as well as the escalating violence in Vietnam.  A  campus wide strike was held at the University of Connecticut on May 7, 1970.

Flyer for the University of Connecticut Student Strike, May 7, 1970. From the Alternative Press Collection, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.

Archives Open House a Success

(from l-r) Photo 1: Sam Charters, Nanette Addesso Photo 2: Marisol Ramos, Sergio Mobilia Photo 3: Lesyn Clark, Anna Kijas, Sam Charters Photo 4: Laura Smith, two graduate students


On April 16, 2010, the staff of Archives & Special Collections held our second Open House to showcase archival materials in University archives, natural history, children’s literature, railroad history, Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian studies, the alternative press, human rights, and other curatorial areas.  Our reproduction services were highlighted as well as our extensive multimedia collections.  The new search feature on our web site that allows keyword searching across all finding aids was demonstrated as well as how to access photographs, maps, and other digital collections.  Sam Charters (in the blue shirt above ) delighted the audience by playing the Victrola he donated for the Samuel and Ann Charters Multimedia Room and discussing the music of the era. Marisol Ramos is shown with graduate student Sergio Mobilia, and Laura Smith speaks to two graduate students in Psychology about her collections.

Remembering Whitney Harris

Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Whitney Harris, UConn President Michael Hogan, October 1, 2007

The Dodd Research Center is involved with many causes, none of which is more powerful than the struggle for human rights.  U.S. Senator Thomas J. Dodd, for whom we are named, devoted his life to public service, the rule of law, and the rights of the oppressed.  It is while serving as a member of the Executive Trial Council in Nuremberg, Germany, Senator Dodd met Whitney Harris, a lawyer in the U.S. Navy.  And because of that unique connection between two men, the Dodd Research Center had the occasion to bring Mr. Harris to the University of Connecticut.

In Senator Christopher J. Dodd’s book “Letters from Nuremberg: My Father’s Narrative of a Quest for Justice,” letters from Dodd to his wife, Grace reference Mr. Harris.  From these writings, we learn that the two spent much time together during trips and at official dinners.  Mr. Harris even shuttled an anniversary gift back to the states for Grace.  Mr. Harris attended the program in which we launched the book with a series of readings, and read the following excerpt from a letter dated June 3, 1946: “Whitney Harris has been away all weekend.  He is a nice chap but not much company.  He sings all the time – and is generally too young for me.”  His laughter after recounting the late Senator’s words, gave the audience a glimpse of the humor and good nature that was Mr. Harris’ hallmark. 

We were honored to have Mr. Harris deliver a lecture in 2006 on the 60th anniversary of the judgment at Nuremberg, where he spoke to an auditorium overflowing of students, who learned so much more from his lecture than from any text book.  He joined us again in 2007, when we awarded the Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights, an event that keeps alive the idea that the rule of law and pursuit of human rights is still a necessity. 

As an archive, we know that it is through history that we can often learn about today, and we owe a debt of gratitude to all those who have gone before us and fought for what is right and true.  According to Matt Sepic of St. Louis Public Radio, Mr. Harris’ experience in Nuremberg made him “a leading advocate for international law and the modern war crimes tribunals that are Nuremberg’s legacy.”  We are saddened by the loss of such a true human rights activist, and extend our deepest sympathy to his family and friends.

Senator Christopher J. Dodd and Whitney Harris, April 10, 2006


l-r: Whitney Harris, October 1, 2007; Justice Robert Jackson decorating Lt. Colonel Whitney Harris (1945-46), from the Thomas J. Dodd Papers

Voices of Rwanda Presentation on April 20, 2010

Please join the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center for a special presentation and discussion with Taylor Krauss, Founder of Voices of Rwanda, for a discussion of his work to document stories of the survivors of the Rwandan genocide.

Voices of Rwanda:
A Conversation and Film Screening with Taylor Krauss

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
4:00 PM, Konover Auditorium


Voices of Rwanda Poster


Sixteen years ago, in April 1994, genocide broke out in Rwanda. Over the course of 100 days, an estimated 800,000 people were brutally killed by their neighbors. Today, survivors, bystanders, rescuers, and perpetrators are all searching for ways to live with one another and with their difficult past.

Taylor Krauss, founding director of Voices of Rwanda, will be presenting clips from his filmed testimony  from survivors of the Rwandan genocide.  Krauss founded Voices of Rwanda in 2006 to record and preserve testimonies of Rwandans to ensure that their stories inform the world about genocide and help prevent future human rights atrocities.  Voices of Rwanda currently has a large film archive of testimony and is working with organizations and schools in Rwanda and the United States to make the testimonies available for education and research, as well as community healing.

To find out more information on Voices of Rwanda please visit:

Download the poster for the event (PDF, 1 MB)

Listen to a podcast with Taylor Krauss from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Voices on Genocide Prevention Podcast from December 17, 2009.

Archives & Special Collections Open House!

Please join us for an Open House at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.  The event will include interactive displays, presentations and one-on-one conversations to facilitate the discovery of the rich resources in the Archives that will help with your classes and your own personal research. 

Wednesday, April 14
Dodd Research Center

You are welcome to come and go as your schedule allows, but if you have a particular interest in the presentations, the schedule is as follows:

4:30-Exploring the collections with our new search feature
4:45-New tools for using our digital resources
5:00-The distinctive sounds of the Victrola

Refreshments will be provided.