Another photograph of Steve Thornton getting arrested

Steve Thornton has spent his career advocating for fair wages, fair practices and fair treatment for all.  Sometimes all that advocating has gotten him arrested!  Here is yet another photograph of Steve getting arrested at a protest, this one at the Waterbury, Connecticut, Brass Mill mall during a Local 1199 protest to save Waterbury Hospital in  2013:

Stephen Thornton being led into a police van at the Waterbury, Connecticut, Brass Mill mall during a Local 1199 protest to save Waterbury Hospital, 2013

Stephen Thornton being led into a police van at the Waterbury, Connecticut, Brass Mill mall during a Local 1199 protest to save Waterbury Hospital, 2013

Steve is one of our featured speakers at a panel discussion, Social Justice & Community Organizing: How to Make a Career by Serving Connecticut, tomorrow at 3:30p.m. in Konover Auditorium at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.  Steve will be joined by Louise Simmons (UConn professor of Community Organizations) and Val Ramos (Director of Strategic Alliances for Everyday Democracy).

Social Justice program on Thursday, November 13, 3:30p.m.

We can’t wait for Thursday’s program on “Social Justice & Community Organizing: How to Make a Career by Serving Connecticut,” with Steve Thornton, Louise Simmons, and our recently added panelist Valeriano Ramos.

Valeriano Ramos

Val Ramos is the Director of Strategic alliances and Equity Officer for Everyday Democracy, an East Hartford-based non-profit dedicated to helping communities talk and work together to create communities that work for everyone.

The program is at 3:30 in Konover Auditorium, with a reception following, and sponsored by Archives & Special Collections, the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, and UConn’s Careers for the Common Good.

We hope to see you there!