Martha Bedard Named UConn Libraries’ Vice Provost

MarthaBedard-20130813_smMartha Bedard has been appointed the Vice Provost for University of Connecticut Libraries, effective October 14.  She is currently Dean of University Libraries at the University of New Mexico, a position she has held since 2007.

“Martha is an outstanding leader, and we are confident that she will guide the University Libraries further into the 21st century as UConn expands its faculty, student population, and University collections,” said Provost Mun Choi and Vice Provost Sally Reis in announcing her appointment.

Prior to New Mexico, Bedard held positions at Texas A&M University (TAMU) and the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. At TAMU, she served in various leadership roles beginning in 2000, including Associate Dean for Information and Collection Services. Her previous positions at TAMU also included Associate Dean and Director of the Medical Sciences Library, Associate Dean for Advanced Studies, and Associate Dean for Digital Initiatives.

She served as the Associate Director for Library Services, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library, and held medical library directorships at Wake Medical Center in Raleigh NC, the Medical Center of Central Massachusetts in Worcester MA., and Lowell General Hospital.

“It is an honor to have been chosen the next Vice Provost for University Libraries at UConn.  I am excited about the opportunity to build from strength, and to work with such a committed and highly skilled staff,” Bedard said.  “UConn is in the midst of a period of extensive growth which opens up many new avenues for the University Libraries to demonstrate its leadership in ways that will support and enhance these new strategic programs, faculty, students, and the state.  I have been personally enriched by the experiences, colleagues and friends I have made while working in libraries across the country, but I am especially pleased to be returning ‘home’ to New England.”

A native of Massachusetts, Bedard holds a Master’s degree in Library Science from Simmons Graduate School of Library Science in Boston and a B.A. in English from Fitchburg State College.

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One thought on “Martha Bedard Named UConn Libraries’ Vice Provost

  1. Pingback: An Interview With Martha Bedard, Vice Provost for University Libraries at the University of Connecticut | LJ INFOdocket

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