Educational Attainment, and Earnings by Educational Attainment & Gender, in Connecticut Towns

The map and graphs below provide information on levels of educational attainment among Connecticut towns, along with data on median earnings by town for men and women having various levels of education. The data on education and income are tabulated only for those age 25 and over. The American Community Survey defines educational attainment as “the highest level of education completed in terms of the highest degree or the highest level of schooling completed.”

The data below are taken from Table S1501 the 2008-12 5-Year Estimates data release of the American Community Survey. The complete data for the state and all towns can be downloaded here.

For help with locating data on Connecticut from the American Community Survey or other Census Bureau program, please contact the Connecticut State Data Center.

[tableau server=”” workbook=”EducationandEarningsbyTown2012ACS5yr” view=”Dashboard1″ tabs=”no” toolbar=”no” revert=”” refresh=”yes” linktarget=”” width=”800px” height=”900px”][/tableau]

Educational Attainment for the Population Below the Poverty Level in Connecticut Towns (American Community Survey 2008-12 5-Year Estimates data)

The recently-released ACS 2008-12 5-Year Estimates data provide updated estimates for all Connecticut towns, including detailed data on the population living below the poverty level. The visualization below uses data provided by the ACS on the educational attainment of those age 25 and older in poverty, providing details on the percentage of this population which has less than a high school diploma or GED, a high school degree or equivalent, some college credits or an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree or higher. The map focuses on the percent of those in poverty in each town who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. By selecting any town on the map, the bar graphs beneath will display more detailed educational attainment data for the town, both for the general population and those below the poverty threshold.

The American Community Survey uses poverty thresholds established by the Office of Management and Budget; more information is available here. It’s important to note that these thresholds do not vary geographically; for example, the same poverty threshold for a household consisting of a single adult with a related child under 18 ($15,504) is used in every state.

[tableau server=”” workbook=”EducationandPoverty_0″ view=”Dashboard1″ tabs=”no” toolbar=”no” revert=”” refresh=”yes” linktarget=”” width=”800px” height=”800px”][/tableau]

Median household income by Census Tract (American Community Survey 2008-12 5-Year Estimates data)

With the Census Bureau’s recent release of the 2008-12 5-Year Estimates data from the American Community Survey, new economic, social and demographic data are available for all Connecticut cities and towns, as well as smaller geographies such as school districts and Census Tracts. The visualization below uses household income data from the new ACS release to display median household income by Census Tract. Clicking any tract on the map will bring up a bar graph illustrating income distribution within the tract; links in the tooltip allow the user to explore more of the new data from the American Community Survey for the tract.

[tableau server=”” workbook=”MedianHouseholdIncomeforCTCensusTracts” view=”Dashboard1″ tabs=”no” toolbar=”no” revert=”” refresh=”yes” linktarget=”” width=”800px” height=”600px”][/tableau]