(Posted on behalf of Nicole Toussaint, Census & Geospatial Data Intern, MAGIC & Connecticut State Data Center)
This week is bike to work week. In celebration of this I have created a visualization that shows the modes of transportation Connecticut residents use on their commute to work. The percentages shown are the percent of the population using that mode of transportation within that individual country, not the state as a whole. Currently, the data on Connecticut bikers is on the screen. By clicking the arrows left and right on the slider information on other modes of transportation can be seen.
This visualization shows some interesting trends in the state. In regards to biking, New Haven County has by far the largest percentage of bikers in its population. Also, when looking at the visualization of the people commuting with 7 or more people carpooling together Windham County stands out significantly. It would be interesting to see why this is the case and what type of vehicle is being used to transport all of these people. All of this data was obtained from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 2008-12 5-year dataset.
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