About Michael Howser

Michael serves as the Director of the Connecticut State Data Center and the Director of the UConn Library at Hartford Public Library.

Unlocking the Potential of Public Data Workshop – June 25, 2015

The Connecticut Data Collaborative and the Connecticut State Data Center are hosting the Unlocking the Potential of Public Data workshop. The workshop will include engaging sessions, training, and discussions on public data in Connecticut and will be held on June 25, 2015.

“Unlocking the Potential of Public Data”
June 25, 2015
UConn Graduate Business Learning Center
Hartford, CT
8:00am to 12:30pm
This event is free to attend and registration is required to attend as space is limited. Registration is closed as we have reached the total number of participants we can accommodate for the facility. Stay tuned for a fall conference announcement.
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:35 Welcome
8:35-9:05 Confused about the different data resources available in the state? This session will include representatives from various organizations across the state who will explain their organization and the data that can be found on each respective site9:15-10:00 Session 1:

  • Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the 1-year, 3-year, and 5- year Census American Community Survey? Come get all your questions answered about using Census data from a Census representative expert.
  • The Surprisingly Subtle Art of Acquiring Public Data from Public Agencies.
  • ctdata.org hands-on training/workshop in a computer lab

10:15-11:00 Session 2:

  • Beyond the ACS – what other census data is available for policymakers and decision makers? Learn more about the economic census, Longitudinal Employer and Household Dynamics (LEHD), and more.
  • ctdata.org hands-on training/workshop in a computer lab

11:15-12 Ever wondered where to find agency data or wonder if it is available publicly? What initiatives are underway or planned at state agencies for improving data access?
12-12:30 Lightning Session: Transportation Hub (t-HUB) Project and CT Crash Repository,

If you have trouble registering, please email


CT GIS User Network Meeting – September 12th

The Connecticut GIS User Network is hosting a meeting at the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority in New Haven, CT on Friday September 12, 2014. This meeting is open to the public (no registration is required) and will feature presentations on applications of GIS and provides a great venue to share ideas and network with other GIS professionals from across the state. Included below is the agenda for this meeting.

Agenda for Friday September 12, 2014 CT GIS User Network Meeting

8:45 Network
9:15 Opening and updates to User Network (looking for members, update to membership, bi-laws updates, 501c, etc.)
9:40 ESRI -Alfredo Frauenfelder
10:00 Census Bureau – David Kraiker
10:20 BREAK
10:30 Latitude Graphics – Michael Funaro
10:50 CT Association of Floodplain Managers-Introduction/Q&A
11:10 Drone Law Journal – Peter Sachs
11:30 Town of South Windsor Drone – Jubenal Gonzalez
11:50 Closing


Meeting location:

South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
90 Sargent Dr.
New Haven, CT

For more details on this event and to signup for the GIS User to User Network Listserv visit: http://ctgis.uconn.edu/

Hope to see you there!

Bike to Work Week and Other Connecticut Commuting Data

(Posted on behalf of Nicole Toussaint, Census & Geospatial Data Intern, MAGIC & Connecticut State Data Center)

This week is bike to work week. In celebration of this I have created a visualization that shows the modes of transportation Connecticut residents use on their commute to work. The percentages shown are the percent of the population using that mode of transportation within that individual country, not the state as a whole. Currently, the data on Connecticut bikers is on the screen. By clicking the arrows left and right on the slider information on other modes of transportation can be seen.

This visualization shows some interesting trends in the state. In regards to biking, New Haven County has by far the largest percentage of bikers in its population. Also, when looking at the visualization of the people commuting with 7 or more people carpooling together Windham County stands out significantly. It would be interesting to see why this is the case and what type of vehicle is being used to transport all of these people. All of this data was obtained from the Census Bureau’s  American Community Survey 2008-12 5-year dataset.

[tableau server=”public.tableausoftware.com” workbook=”ConnecticutCommutingTimesACS5Yr” view=”BiketoWork” tabs=”no” toolbar=”no” revert=”” refresh=”yes” linktarget=”” width=”800px” height=”600px”][/tableau]

Census Data Access Impacted by Government Shut Down

Due to the lapse in government funding, census.gov and all online survey collection requests for the U.S. Census Bureau will be unavailable until further notice.

Updates regarding government operating status and resumption of normal operations can be found at http://www.usa.gov.

Websites affected by this shutdown are all census.gov websites, including:

Alternative Census Data Sources

During this outage there are a few alternatives options for accessing this data which include:

Connecticut State Data Center – Website includes 2010 Census, 2010 ACS 1,3,5 year, and 2011 ACS 1, 3, 5 year datasets for Connecticut.

NHGIS – Includes historical census data for the nation and includes the ability to download census data in shapefile format.

If you should have any questions about accessing data contact the Connecticut State Data Center at ctsdc@uconn.edu.

Updated MAGIC WMS and MAGIC 2.0 Online Maps now available

After over 5 years of reliable service using our previous WMS and interactive mapping platform we are happy to announce that the Web Map Service (WMS) and the MAGIC 2.0 Online maps platforms have been updated and the new services and interactive maps are now available for use. This migration enables new capabilities to be offered from MAGIC and the Connecticut State Data Center by providing more WMS service options, a comprehensive data layer catalog, and a platform which enables digital scholarship by providing increased connectivity for tools such as ArcGIS, Google Earth, Google Maps, Omeka Neatline, Tableau, and other data analysis and visualization platforms.

GeoServerOur new WMS server utilizes GeoServer, an open source WMS platform which provides a number of enhanced layer options while providing the core elements for providing WMS layer access for ArcGIS and other GIS, CAD, and data visualization platforms.

The MAGIC 2.0 Online Maps have been replaced by a series of interactive maps which include the same functionality as the previous interface and utilizes ESRI’s ArcGIS Explorer interface. Users are able to toggle layers on/off, print, measure distance and/or area, zoom in/out, search by address, and a number of other functions. Additional layers and maps will be added as more layers are added to the our WMS server.

MAGIC’s interactive map mash-ups have also been updated to utilize the new WMS layers from GeoServer and each of these mash-ups can be viewed from the same pages as before and you can also view these maps via the following page: http://magic.lib.uconn.edu/mash_up/

If you used MAGIC’s WMS server previously, you will need to add the new WMS Server to ArcGIS or other software you are using to access our WMS services. Click here for detailed instructions on connecting to our new WMS services.


Thank You

We want to thank Kate Johnson, Xiaojiang Li, Weixing Zhang, Brian Perchal, Jie Lin, and Edward Cromley for their help in migrating content, configuring GeoServer layers, and helping to deploy this new service in such an expedited timeframe.

We also want to thank the UCONN Libraries ITS department for installing and configuring the GeoServer and helping to load balance and improve the overall performance of the site.

And we want to thank all of the staff (both past and present) from Progeos who installed, maintained, and provided assistance with our previous WMS server. Your staff were agile, resourceful, and helped us maintain the WMS Server which handled over a million requests (between WMS and online map interface) over the past 6 years.

MAGIC WMS Server Migration and Upcoming Changes

WMS LayersThe Web Mapping Server (WMS) and MAGIC 2.0 Online Maps server has provided us with 5 years of reliable service but the time has come to migrate to a new server environment which enables more capabilities in support of digital scholarship and spatial analysis. While we have been planning to migrate from this server, recent developments and stability issues are requiring us to expedite this move with the new WMS and maps interfaces being available to the public by September 1, 2013 and the former server will no longer be available as of September 1, 2013.

Over the next two weeks, MAGIC will be migrating all of our WMS layers to GeoServer, an open source WMS server which offers additional capabilities versus our current server. During this migration process each of the interactive map mash-ups provided by MAGIC will be updated to incorporate layers from our new GeoServer. We will also be replacing the MAGIC 2.0 Online Maps with interactive maps which will offer additional capabilities while providing the core functionality of the current MAGIC 2.0 Online Maps interface.

We will post updates, new links, and more details about this migration to our blog, Outside the Neatline, so stay tuned for more details.

We want to thank all of the staff at Progeos for their help with this migration and for hosting and supporting the MAGIC WMS Server these past 5 years and the UConn Libraries IT staff for configuring our new WMS Server and mapping platform.

WEBINAR: Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) and American Fact Finder (AFF) for research on Puerto Ricans – May 7, 2013

IPUMS - AFF flyer englishWEBINAR: Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) and American Fact Finder (AFF) for research on Puerto Ricans


Date: Tuesday May 7, 2013, 2:00pm a 4:00pm AST (EDT)

¡Begin the registration process now! Click to Register for Webinar

Discover a free source of information available to researchers who want to study the conditions of Puerto Ricans living in and outside of Puerto Rico, the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). The webinar will also include how to access data from the U.S. Census Bureau through the American FactFinder (AFF). The AFF topics are similar to those of the IPUMS.

The IPUMS contains detailed information from a sample of people in several Latin American countries and in the United States who identified Puerto Rico as their country of origin in the censuses of population and housing over the past four decades. Soon census data from the 2010 round will be available and IPUMS will help deepen our understanding of Puerto Rican communities that exist not only in the United States and in Puerto Rico, but also in Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, among others, their evolution since 1970, and their comparison with the Puerto Rican population in Puerto Rico.

The IPUMS allows researchers to analyze socio demographic and economic characteristics of these communities in an integrated manner for all countries, without having to analyze the data separately for each country. The topics that can be analyzed for these communities include household characteristics (such as ownership, access to basic services, the availability of automobile and air conditioning, the number of rooms, etc.), as well as socio demographic characteristics (such as age, sex, marital status, race, literacy, education, employment status, occupation, industry, income, disabilities, etc.). The IPUMS, the U.S. Census Bureau, the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College, and the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics invite the public to participate in this webinar, which will take place in English, and which will familiarize participants with the data available through IPUMS, and how to use it for research purposes.
Sign up for IPUMS International and IPUMS USA at least 1 week before the webinar!

2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal

Results from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Live on the “America by the Numbers” Segment of C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal”

Date:Friday March 15, 2013
Time: 8:15am EDT

America’s youth, ages 12 to 17, continue to report substantial rates of major depressive episodes. Among those who suffer from mental illness, co-occuring substance use and dependence are common. Find out more on Friday, March 15, 2013, at 8:15 a.m. EDT as Peter Delany, director of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, discusses the trends by age and gender, how the data are collected, and what mental health services are being used.

Most Fridays, C-SPAN’s “America by the Numbers” segment on its “Washington Journal” show features information from the federal statistical system. The program highlights trends and allows the public to call in or email their views. More information on previous C-SPAN programs is available at http://www.census.gov/newsroom/cspan/.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Facts for Features: Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Feb. 14, 2013
U.S. Census Bureau – Facts for Features

Expressing one’s love to another is a celebrated custom on Valentine’s Day; whereby sweethearts and family members present gifts to one another, such as cards, candy, flowers and other symbols of affection. Opinions differ as to who was the original Valentine, but the most popular theory is that he was a clergyman who was executed for secretly marrying couples in ancient Rome. In A.D. 496, Pope Gelasius I declared Feb. 14 as Valentine Day. Esther Howland, a native of Massachusetts, is given credit for selling the first mass-produced valentine cards in the 1840s. The spirit continues today with even young children exchanging valentine’s cards with their fellow classmates.



Number of U.S. manufacturing establishments that produced chocolate and cocoa products in 2010, employing 35,074 people. California led the nation in the number of chocolate and cocoa manufacturing establishments, with 121, followed by Pennsylvania, with 114.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns: 2010, NAICS code (31132) and (31133),



Number of U.S. establishments that manufactured nonchocolate confectionary products in 2010. These establishments employed 17,526 people. California led the nation in this category, with 49 establishments.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns: 2010, NAICS code (31134)


$13.5 billion

Total value of shipments in 2011 for firms producing chocolate and cocoa products.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 Annual Survey of Manufactures, Products and Service Codes 311320 and 311330,


Nonchocolate confectionery product manufacturing, meanwhile, was an $8.8 billion industry.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 Annual Survey of Manufactures, Products and Service Code 311340,



Number of confectionery and nut stores in the United States in 2010.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, NAICS code (445292),


24.7 pounds

Per capita consumption of candy by Americans in 2010.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Industrial Reports, Confectionery: 2010





The total number of florists’ establishments nationwide in 2010. These businesses employed 70,575 people.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, NAICS code (4531)



The value of imports for cut flowers and buds for bouquets in 2011. Flower bouquets are a popular gift for loved ones on Valentine’s Day. The total value of fresh cut roses in 2011 was $365,453,189.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau: Foreign Trade Division USA Trade Online U.S. Import and Export Merchandise trade (Commodity code-060319)





Number of jewelry stores in the United States in 2010. Jewelry stores offer engagement, wedding and other rings to couples of all ages. In February 2012, these stores sold $2.66 billion in merchandise.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, NAICS code (448310),

<http://www.census.gov/econ/cbp/> and Monthly Retail Trade and Food Services <http://www.census.gov/retail>

The merchandise at these locations could well have been produced at one of the nation’s
1,453 jewelry manufacturing establishments.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, NAICS code (339911),


“Please Be Mine”


28.6 and 26.6 years

Median age at first marriage in 2012 for men and women, respectively.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Families and Living Arrangements: 2012,

<http://www.census.gov/hhes/families/data/marital.html>, Table MS-2


The overall percentage of adults who reported being married.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Families and Living Arrangements: 2012,

<http://www.census.gov/hhes/families/data/cps2012.html> Table A1


Percentage of people 15 and older in 2012 who had been married at some point in their lives — either currently or formerly.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Families and Living Arrangements: 2012,

<http://www.census.gov/hhes/families/data/cps2012.html> Table A1


The provisional rate of marriages per 1,000 people performed in Nevada during 2010. So many couples tie the knot in the Silver State that it ranked number one nationally in marriage rates. Hawaii ranked second with a marriage rate of 17.6.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics,


2.1 million

The provisional number of marriages that took place in the United States in 2010. That breaks down to nearly 5,800 a day.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics,



The percentage of women who married for the first time between 1990 and 1994, who marked their 10th anniversary. This compares with 83 percent of women who married for the first time between 1960 and 1964.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009,

<http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/p70-125.pdf>, Table 4


As of 2009, the percentage of currently married women who had been married for at least 50 years. A little more than half of currently married women had been married for at least 15 years.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009

<http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/p70-125.pdf>, Table 9

Looking for Love


The number of dating service establishments nationwide as of 2007. These establishments, which include Internet dating services, employed 3,125 people and pulled in $928 million in revenue.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Economic Census


Try Looking Here . . .

Romantic-sounding places to spend Valentine’s Day:

Rose City, Texas Rose City, Mich. South Heart, N.D.
Loveland, Colo. Darling, Minn. Loveland, Ohio
Romeo, Colo. Sacred Heart, Minn. Loveland Park, Ohio
Lovejoy, Ga. Heart Butte, Mont. Love County, Okla.
Loves Park, Ill. Valentine, Neb. Loveland, Okla.
Lovington, Ill. Lovelock, Nev. Lovelady, Texas
Romeoville, Ill. Loving, N.M. Loving County, Texas
Rosemont, Ill. Lovington, N.M. Valentine, Texas
Romeo, Mich. Love Valley, N.C. Rose Hill Acres, Texas
Rosemont, Md.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American FactFinder


Giving Love a Second Chance


Percentage of people ever married twice as of 2011. Five percent have married three or more times. By comparison, 75.3 percent of people who have ever been married have made only one trip down the aisle.

Source: 2011 American Community Survey



Median length, in years, of first marriages that ended in divorce.

Source: Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009

<http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/p70-125.pdf>, Table 8

3.8 and 3.7

The median time in years between divorce and a second marriage for men and women, respectively. However, the two medians are not significantly different from each other.

Source: Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009

<http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/p70-125.pdf>, Table 8

9% and 7.9%

Among people 15 and older in 2009, the percentage of men and women, respectively, who had married twice and were still married.

Source: Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009


Following is a list of observances typically covered by the Census Bureau’s Facts for Features series:

  • African-American History Month (February)
  • Super Bowl
  • Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14)
  • Women’s History Month (March)
  • Irish-American Heritage Month (March)/

    St. Patrick’s Day (March 17)

  • Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (May)
  • Older Americans Month (May)
  • Cinco de Mayo (May 5)
  • Mother’s Day
  • Hurricane Season Begins (June 1)
  • Father’s Day
  • The Fourth of July (July 4)
  • Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act (July 26)
  • Back to School (August)
  • Labor Day
  • Grandparents Day
  • Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15)
  • Unmarried and Single Americans Week
  • Halloween (Oct. 31)
  • American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month (November)
  • Veterans Day (Nov. 11)
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • The Holiday Season (December)


Editor’s note: The preceding data were collected from a variety of sources and may be subject to sampling variability and other sources of error. Facts for Features are customarily released about two months before an observance in order to accommodate magazine production timelines. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office: telephone: 301-763-3030; fax: 301-763-3762; or e-mail: <PIO@census.gov>.

2012 Economic Census

2012 Economic Census


Nearly 4 million businesses have received forms for the 2012 Economic Census, the U.S. Government’s official five-year measure of American business and the economy. By law, these businesses must respond by February 12. And because recipients include many of your members, or readers, here’s some important information for them:

  • Get help with forms and report online at econhelp.census.gov
  • Learn all about the Economic Census at business.census.gov 
  • Mark your calendar for our next webinar at 1:00 EST on January 24 when you’ll receive further instruction about the 2012 Economic Census and how to respond. Visit business.census.gov/webinar for more information.

Thanks for helping us inform businesses – their response really does make a difference.