Household Income Quintiles and the Top 5%

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The above map, based on table B19080: “Household income quintile upper limits”  from the 2013 American Community Survey, displays income amounts which would put a household among the wealthiest 5% in their state. The stacked bars adjacent to the map display household income distribution within a state by quintiles, providing an overview of household income distribution.

For Connecticut, New Jersey, and District of Columbia, table B19080 from the 2013 ACS reports that the top 5% of households by income have lower income limits of “250,000+”, while more precise estimates are provided for all other states. Connecticut reached this apparent “250,000+” reporting ceiling in the 2011 American Community Survey report. The top 5% of households in District of Columbia surpassed this threshold several years earlier. Interestingly, in 2009 the American Community Survey reported that the lower limit of the top 5% of households in D.C. was $279,845; in this year’s report the figure is reported simply as being “$250,000+”, obscuring the true estimate. Table B19083 from the 2013 ACS indicates that the District of Columbia has a greater level of income inequality than any state; New York and Connecticut have the highest Gini index among states.


New data from American Community Survey for Connecticut towns

The American Community Survey 2009-13 ACS 5-Year dataset, released today by the U.S. Census Bureau, provides new economic and demographic data for smaller geographic areas including all 169 Connecticut towns. The visualization below provides a snapshot of just a few measures from one report within this dataset, “DP03 – Selected Economic Characteristics” – just one of the more than 2,000 tables of new data for Connecticut towns, Congressional districts, school districts, Census Tracts, and other areas. To browse for more detailed economic data on any town, follow the link that appears when you hover over any map in the visualization – or start browsing American FactFinder with some of the links below:

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Highlighting CT Open Data: Hartford Fire Incidents

The Connecticut State Data Center has recently been working on visualizations that highlight some of the data available on the Connecticut Open Data Portal.

This fifth visualization takes a look at incidents reported to the Hartford Fire Department between January 1st and November 19th. There are four views; three are maps, and the other is an area chart that shows incidents over time broken down by zip code. Note that not all of these incidents necessarily involve a fire. When clicking on a point in the map, there is a link to a PDF with explanation of all the incident codes.  You can see all of the original data here.

Just like other visualizations, this story also includes a GoogleMaps interface so you can look at incident locations using a satellite basemap or Google Street View.

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Highlighting CT Open Data: Certified Organic Growers

The Connecticut State Data Center has recently been working on visualizations that highlight some of the data available on the Connecticut Open Data Portal.

This fourth visualization is a simple look at USDA-certified organic growers across the State of Connecticut. The map allows you to filter based on the county where the growers are located or by the body that provided their certification. Further, there’s a wildcard match bar that allows you to search for specific kinds of produce and goods and see which growers are specializing in those products. You can see the original data here.

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Highlighting CT Open Data: Brownfield Remediation Assistance

The Connecticut State Data Center has been working on visualizations that highlight some of the data available on the Connecticut Open Data Portal.

This third visualization uses data to provide an overview of brownfield remediation around the state, focusing in particular on projects that have received funding assistance from different government sources. In all, there are 173 financially-assisted remediation projects featured since 2005. You can see the original data here.

Using this visualization allows you to see what projects are happening where, who’s funding those projects, and how much land is being reclaimed and for how much. One page provides an interactive pie chart that can be filtered by municipality and span of time, allowing for comparison of funding sources in different periods and places. One map focuses on remediation assistance applicants; the filters on this map allow for viewing certain projects based on applicant municipality or applicant name. As with previous visualizations, there’s also a GoogleMaps interface that allows for seeing the remediation sites with a satellite basemap and Google Street View.

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Highlighting CT Open Data: Hartford Planning Applications

The Connecticut State Data Center has been working on visualizations that highlight some of the data available on the Connecticut Open Data Portal.

This second visualization is a look at planning applications submitted to the City of Hartford between June 30th, 2009 and November 10th, 2014. The original data can be found here.

This visualization includes three views. The first is a map that can be easily searched by street name or filtered by date of application and application type. The second view is a GoogleMaps interface that allows a user to view the data over satellite imagery and even use Google Street View to try and see specific properties. In addition, there is an interactive area chart that tracks the total number of applications submitted per year, including those totals broken down by the type of application.

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Highlighting CT Open Data: 2011 Home Sales

The Connecticut State Data Center has been working on visualizations that highlight some of the data available on the Connecticut Open Data Portal.

The first is a look at home sales (above $2,000) in the State of Connecticut during the year 2011. The data covers 140 of the 169 towns in the State. For each individual sale, the data includes assessed home price, actual sale price, geographic coordinates, and the unique sale serial number. You can see the original data here.

In addition to the more statistical views on the first page of the visualization, the second page features the data on GoogleMaps. This allows for changing the basemap to satellite imagery and even using Google Street View to try and get a look at specific houses.

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Regional Council of Governments Census Data Browser

The Connecticut State Data Center has created a Census Data Browser for the Regional Councils of Governments in Connecticut, allowing users to view a range of demographic, economic, and housing data for any of the nine RCOG planning regions. While the data dashboard draws mainly on Census Bureau data – decennial census, American Community Survey, and building permit data downloaded from – the tool also includes other some other sources such as surface permeability and grand list data. There are many deep links within the tool to the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder data engine, allowing users to explore more detailed data for their town or RCOG region.

This is very much a work in progress, and your suggestions for features and inclusion of additional data sources would be appreciated!

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Distribution of Hispanic or Latino Population by Specific Origin in Connecticut Census Tracts: 2010

This data visualization shows the specific origins of people within Hispanic & Latino populations in Connecticut Census tracts, based on published 2010 Census data. This project is modeled on a visualization created by the Census Bureau which shows the distribution of persons of specific Hispanic/Latino origins across U.S. counties; the map below instead can display what percentage of the Hispanic population in a particular Census tract is of Puerto Rican, or Mexican, origins, for example. The data are taken from 2010 Census table PCT11 for Census Tracts (see link in the tooltip when hovering over the map to see original data for any Census Tract in American FactFinder), and are originally derived from part 8 of the 2010 Census questionnaire.

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Academic Libraries Survey 2012

This dashboard displays various measures from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Academic Libraries Survey 2012 dataset. The various views allow the user to filter by institutional Carnegie class to compare similar institutions – from 2-year Associate’s colleges to research universities. A filter for sector – public vs. private – allows apples-to-apples comparisons among libraries for things like collections expenditures and staffing. The ‘Compare expenditures of academic libraries’ and ‘Compare staffing of academic libraries’ tabs let you select specific institutions to compare, for measures including:

  • expenditures for print and electronic journal subscriptions in 2012
  • expenditures for print materials
  • numbers and total salaries/wages of librarians, other staff, and student assistants

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